BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:1.0 PRODID:DOTNED BEGIN:VEVENT STATUS:TENTATIVE UID:cab7f158-2995-409b-8a55-af95c2d709e0 DTSTAMP:20230928T180000Z DTSTART:20231128T180000Z DTEND:20231128T200000Z SUMMARY:[dotNed] Moving our enterprise app to the cloud: Notes from the field DESCRIPTION:On Tuesday, November 28th, we will gather at SDN, in the offices of Reshift, where we will have Rik Hepworth as our guest speaker. Rik is an experienc...Meer info: CLASS:PRIVATE LOCATION:Nijverheidsweg 18, 2031CP Haarlem END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR