28 mei hebben we een speciale gast bij dotNed. Vanuit Redmond, WA hebben we Luis Cabrera te gast. Luis is Principal Program Manager in de Azure Data Group, en houdt zich bezig Cognitive Search. En daar gaat hij ons van alles over vertellen. In zijn eigen woorden:
Azure Cognitive Search is the only cloud search service with built-in AI capabilities that enrich all types of information to easily identify and explore relevant content at scale. Formerly known as Azure Search, it uses the same integrated Microsoft natural language stack that Bing and Office have used for more than a decade, and AI services across vision, language, and speech. Spend more time innovating and less time maintaining a complex cloud search solution.
Cognitive Search offers a rapid iterative enrichment experience that can be continually augmented with new and updated skills. Start with a data set that you only have some intuition about and end with a fully functional enrichment pipeline that delivers on the knowledge mining promise.
So if you want to learn more about Search and how to incorporate that in your own systems and site, you should definitly follow this session!
Over Luis
Luis Cabrera is a Principal Program Manager in the Azure Data Group at Microsoft. Currently he is focused on processes to get insights from unstructured content and data. He is responsible for “the cognitive” in Azure Cognitive Search. Luis has several years of experience in the ML / AI space, from working on real time classification models to detect touch input to launching solutions like the Recommendations Solution Template and products like the current Text Analytics Cognitive Service. Passionate about interaction design and creating software development platforms that are accessible and exciting to use, Luis has worked for over 15 years at Microsoft. Earlier in his career he was the program manager lead in charge of the Bing Maps development platform and the PM in charge of the Microsoft Surface developer platform. Luis started his career as a developer in the Windows Mobile team. He holds an MS degree in Software Engineering from UW and a BS in Computer Engineering from BYU.
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